Sometimes just receiving notice from your technicians or external service vendors that a job was completed isn’t enough assurance when verifying work. A picture can clearly show that not only was the repair or service completed, but that it was completed at the standards required. The Work Order Network provides the right tools for your Internal Technicians and External Service Vendors to properly capture and report on completed work through picture attachments. Continue reading
Category Archives: What’s New?
The Benefits of Mobile
Why does a completely mobile solution matter? Managing your facilities is a constant on-the-go process for everyone involved, from service request to repair. Having a mobile solution is essential to your success. Without a sufficient range of mobile options, real-time process compliance – the key to measuring theeffectiveness of all field operations cannot be achieved. Only the Work Order Network gives you, your stores, your Facility Managers, and your Service Providers sufficient mobile options to ensure
Enterprise Report Wizard Overview
Overview video on how to Create a Report in the Enterprise Application using the Reporting Wizard. The Reporting Wizard allows you to create standard reports related to any area of your facilities operations, giving you complete visibility into all of your assets, work orders, locations, technicians, vendors, and much more. Continue reading